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CDs cheaper than Downloads

September 9th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

CDs cheaper than Download?I went looking on iTunes for an old album I used to have on tape, and sure enough – there it was for £7.90. Hmmm a bit pricey, so I looked on play.com and there it was for only £4.99.

So for almost three quid less, you get:

  • a real CD in a case with professionally printed cover notes. For iTunes, add the cost of a case, CD and printer ink;
  • no crippling DRM;
  • full bitrate recording instead of high compression;
  • you can still rip the CD onto your iPod;
  • if you get fed up of it (or wasn’t to your taste) you can still sell it on.

Most CDs are available from play.com and cdwow.com for around £7.99, so even at that price it’s still better to get the CD.

So what, apart from satisfying your impatience, is the attraction of downloading music?

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  1. Kevin
    September 13th, 2007 at 22:31 | #1
    Using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows XP

    That’s an interesting observation, I guess they’re charging us for the convenience of not going to the store.

    It’s always a good idea to shop and compare you never know how you might save.

  2. September 16th, 2007 at 20:08 | #2
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox on Windows Windows XP

    Except, Kevin, that with play.com and cdwow.com you are still not going to a store.

  3. October 13th, 2009 at 15:46 | #3
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 3.5.1 on Mac OS X Mac OS X 10

    Physical sotrage space is an issue for real CD’s… http://maft.co.uk/musings/?post=227

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