
Archive for July, 2004

UK Government prove they’re biased towards London once again.

July 20th, 2004 No comments

Plans to expand Manchester Metrolink have today been scrapped by the Government in favour of London’s Crosslink.

Yet more evidence of the north/south divide attitude of the Government.

Londoners don’t know they’re born with the Underground. London has a perfectly good mass transport system that every other city in the UK would gladly accept, yet the government is not satisfied with throwing another £10 billion at London, it wants to kick the rest of the country (north of Watford gap) in the teeth by scrapping any chances of catching up.

It seems I’m not the only one to think so.

Manchester has just been mugged for £200 million. Somehow I don’t think the guilty will be brought to justice – David Blunkett is Home Secretary, and we know where he stands on accepting responsibility for his own failings. (Humberside Police chief being made scapegoat for Blunkett’s failing to organise a coordinated National Police Force)

Very advance Warning of Motorway Accident

July 12th, 2004 No comments

Today, the Variable Message Signs (VMS) at M62 J8 were showing:

“A1(M) J48, Accident”

Considering that this is 69 miles away (as the crow flies) this has got to be applauded, except that they were unable to warn that the sliproads from the M602 to M60 were closed on Friday night, causing a 14 mile diversion, which could have been avoided by coming off the M602 at the junction before.

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Intuit’s Lack of a UK Quicken for Mac

July 4th, 2004 No comments

I think it’s crap that Intuit can’t come up with a UK version of Quicken for Mac.

I am forced to keep an old PC running just for this software, yet once again, the US customers are catered for. It’s not exactly difficult to change a dollar sign to a pound sign. I’m not interested in any US specific tax stuff. I don’t need Quicken for that.