Home > Uncategorized > Opening the USB cover on a Nokia 6300

Opening the USB cover on a Nokia 6300

February 12th, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

I get so many search engine hits on my Nokia 6300 post where the search string is “How do I open the USB cover on Nokia 6300” that I thought I’d knock up a quick post on this.

To be perfectly honest, I’m quite curious as to why people are asking this in the first place. It’s not that difficult and if you’re not sure, I’m sure it’s in the manual. Anyway, if you’re still struggling read on…

The USB socket is located on the bottom of the phone. To open the cover there is a slot to the left of the cover.

Nokia 6300 USB Cover

Insert your fingernail… (if you’ve got no nails or you’re a girly with nails you don’t want to break, a small flat bladed screwdriver is just as good)

Nokia 6300 USB Cover

and flick it towards you. The cover hinges down.

Open USB Cover

The cover is now open.

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  1. psi
    October 3rd, 2008 at 20:31 | #1
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 3.0.3 on Windows Windows XP

    mine has always refused to open, and still does, but then i realised that there is a lot more room for it to move when the battery cover is removed, and it provides a nice corner to catch the cover with.

  2. Ivan
    October 8th, 2008 at 12:29 | #2
    Using Opera Opera 9.52 on Windows Windows XP

    Phew… I just got a new 6300 and I was really pissed off because that cover. I’ve worked around it about 15 minutes when I finally gave up trying to open that tiny piece of plastic.
    So, Google and sparkling people like you are the solutions many times 🙂
    Thanks, dude.

    December 12th, 2008 at 03:43 | #3
    Using Google Chrome Google Chrome on Windows Windows XP


  4. December 12th, 2008 at 07:05 | #4
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 3.0.4 on Mac OS X Mac OS X 10

    ‘You wish’: Then I suggest you take it back as faulty.

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